Elephant Trail Race 2021 photos are NOW available online
They are FREE this year
Big thank you to Cooper, Hamish,Rob from Dennis Photography
Elephant Trail Race 2021 photos are NOW available online
They are FREE this year
Big thank you to Cooper, Hamish,Rob from Dennis Photography
18-20 JULY 2025
Port Macquarie

ETR Refunds,
Cancel ,
Up & Downgrade Rules

Are you looking for?
If you can no longer participate in the event please refer to 'Refund Policy' and 'Transfer Policy' below to check your available options.
Please note the event will not be cancelled due to rain. Race organizers will review the track conditions leading up to the event and update everyone via the event website.
If you do not want to transfer your entry to another person and would prefer a refund of your entry fee, we are able to provide:
50% refund if you advise us by email before the 11:59PM 30th April 2025.
No monetary refund if you advise us after 11:59PM 30th April 2025.
TRANSFERS CAN BE DONE IN 2025 (to another runner)
You will need to log back into your entry and start the process to transfer to another person. There is a fee attached to this process and the person the ticket is being transferred to will be the one who pays the transfer fee of $39.
NOTE: transfer to another runner by 21st June (transfer fee applies) - final day to transfer ticket.
The participant can initiate the transfer on the Summary page.
1. Initiate the transfer.
2. The participant will see the following screen to enter the replacement person's email. The replacement person has only 5 days to accept the request. The replacement person has to pay the transfer fee (note: you are to work the cost of the ticket out with the person you are transferring the ticket too. This is not done through ETR).
3. The replacement person will receive an email advising them that a transfer has been initiated of which they can accept or decline.
- If they accept, they will be requested to click on a link to enter then event as usual. Only the admin fee will be payable.
- If they decline the transfer an email will be sent to the initiator advising such.

Log back into your entry and cancel through there.
In the event that the event course is, in the opinion of the event organisers, unsafe (for example by reason of heavy rain, high winds, bush fires, "acts of god"), organisers may, in their sole discretion, attempt to re-route the course, find an alternative shortened course or cancel the event. Organisers also reserve the right to cancel the event for any other reason which may include but is not limited to terrorism and war. If the event is cancelled, re-routed or shortened, no refund or transfer to another event will be made. Due to the scale of the event and travel & commitment involved by competitors, it is not practical to re-schedule the event to any other weekend.
Log back into your registration and complete (Last day is 21st June)
You will receive a reply email to confirm that your request has been done.
If you have registered for ETR 2025 in a race, we hope your training is going well. You can upgrade or downgrade at event check-in in person.
Please logo back into your registration and adjust your entry to the bigger distance. When this is done, it will ask you to pay the difference from events. Once paid difference, you will receive notification of upgrade.
If you wish to downgrade, due to many reason. Please log back into your registration and downgraded to a lower distance. You will receive and email confirming your entry has been adjusted. There is not refund for downgrading.
If you have Covid-19 at the time of the event or leading up to the event. Your ticket will not be transferred to the following year.